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Item Name Ayat-ayat Cinta 2
Price RM34.10
Description Paperback
Available Stock 12
Fahri, yang kini tinggal di Edinburgh dan bahkan menjadi pendidik di University of Edinburgh, terpaksa menjalani kehidupan sehari-harinya sendirian. Bersama dengan Paman Hulusi, pembantu rumah tangganya yang berdarah Turki, ia meneruskan kehidupannya tanpa Aisha.
Terkadang Fahri masih saja menangis saat mengingat kenangan-kenangannya bersama Aisha. Kenyataan bahwa isteri yang sangat dicintainya itu kini menghilang entah kemana, membuatnya sedih dan hampir putus asa. Maka ia menghabiskan hari-harinya dengan menenggelamkan diri dalam kesibukan pekerjaan, penelitian, mengajar, dan bisnes yang dulu dikelola berdua bersama Aisha.
Aisha menghilang dalam sebuah perjalanan ke Palestina bersama teman wanitanya saat ingin membuat cerita dan laporan tentang kehidupan di sana. Teman Aisha ditemukan dalam keadaan sudah kehilangan nyawa dan kondisi tubuh yang menyedihkan dan sangat mungkin kondisi Aisha juga sama meski tubuhnya belum ditemukan saat ini.
Sudah lebih dari dua tahun Fahri berduka dan tenggelam dalam usaha pencarian isteri yang sangat dicintainya itu. Ia pun pindah ke Edinburgh karena itulah kota yang sangat disukai Aisha di dataran Inggris. Dengan menyibukkan dirinya, ia berusaha menyingkirkan rasa sedihnya sekaligus memperbaiki citra Islam dan muslim di negeri dunia pertama itu. Ia berbuat baik pada tetangganya, menyebarkan ilmu agama pada berbagai pihak, dan membantu orang-orang yang butuh bantuannya tanpa memandang bulu.
Berbagai kegiatan menyibukkan dirinya, hingga sebuah pertanyaan mengusik datang dari berbagai pihak. Akankah ia membujang seumur hidup setelah ditinggal Aisha? Akankah ia bertemu dengan isterinya itu sekali lagi?
Item Name Ayat-ayat Cinta
Price RM23.90
Description Paperback
Available Stock 4
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Item Name Jubah hanis
Bokey Your product bokey here!
Price RM99.99
Description description
Available Stock 2
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This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

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This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.
This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

The first image will always be the product thumbnail image. Images after wards will be grouped & displayed as supporting thumbnail images. Images inside the box section below will not be grouped.

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Option size & color available on PRO versions. Get 1 now!

$ 85.00
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This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.
This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

The first image will always be the product thumbnail image. Images after wards will be grouped & displayed as supporting thumbnail images. Images inside the box section below will not be grouped.

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This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.
This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

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Option size & color available on PRO versions. Get 1 now!

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This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.
This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

The first image will always be the product thumbnail image. Images after wards will be grouped & displayed as supporting thumbnail images. Images inside the box section below will not be grouped.

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Option size & color available on PRO versions. Get 1 now!

$ 85.00
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This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.
This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

The first image will always be the product thumbnail image. Images after wards will be grouped & displayed as supporting thumbnail images. Images inside the box section below will not be grouped.

Edit  accordingly the product data ie prices, options, before price using the date section below. For options values refer HTML comments included.

Use "Jump Break" to prevent Blogger auto pagination restrictions to display posts on single pages. By default the "Jump Break" has been assigned.

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Option size & color available on PRO versions. Get 1 now!

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Images included inside this box will not be grouped as product image display at product pages.

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This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.
This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

The first image will always be the product thumbnail image. Images after wards will be grouped & displayed as supporting thumbnail images. Images inside the box section below will not be grouped.

Edit  accordingly the product data ie prices, options, before price using the date section below. For options values refer HTML comments included.

Use "Jump Break" to prevent Blogger auto pagination restrictions to display posts on single pages. By default the "Jump Break" has been assigned.

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Option size & color available on PRO versions. Get 1 now!

$ 85.00
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This is a tab-section Edit the text within this box/table in Blogger editor easily & this panel automatically displays & styled automatically on product pages. Use Blogger "Remove Formatting" functions to remove copied & paste texts alignment, fonts, text colours & text styles etc.

Images included inside this box will not be grouped as product image display at product pages.

Float images left, right & center to help align & style this section here.

This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.
This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 300 words. This will create a unique content for your product - giving the extra boost from search engine results.

The first image will always be the product thumbnail image. Images after wards will be grouped & displayed as supporting thumbnail images. Images inside the box section below will not be grouped.

Edit  accordingly the product data ie prices, options, before price using the date section below. For options values refer HTML comments included.

Use "Jump Break" to prevent Blogger auto pagination restrictions to display posts on single pages. By default the "Jump Break" has been assigned.

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Option size & color available on PRO versions. Get 1 now!

$ 85.00
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This is a tab-section Edit the text within this box/table in Blogger editor easily & this panel automatically displays & styled automatically on product pages. Use Blogger "Remove Formatting" functions to remove copied & paste texts alignment, fonts, text colours & text styles etc.

Images included inside this box will not be grouped as product image display at product pages.

Float images left, right & center to help align & style this section here.

This section is very useful in providing informational details for a particular product. Use this as your standard/repeated product size & dimensions section. Adding a table within this section is not semantic & will break the product display layout styles.